
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

fun with schoolkit freeldis

hi bloggers
today pohatu class got a little grade kit all of the class got one each first we got in to buddy then we got a bowl and then we put the soil tablet in the bowl then we put about 50 cm of water we had to wait for the soil tabblet to

to be countinued ...


  1. Hi Mekilini
    yo need to change 50cm to 50mls great job!!

    from Ashtyn

  2. Hi Mekilini. To be continued.. oooh that sounds exciting! I wonder what happened after you added water to the soil tablet?

    A way you can improve this blog post is by rereading it and adding in the correct punctuation (full stops, capital letters, commas). At the moment there is no punctuation so I look forward to coming back and seeing a beautifully punctuated blog post.

    From Miss Fortes


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